The Syndicate of Kurdistan Pharmacists has held the AMR Conference Kurdistan-2023 under the supervision of Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government, and in collaboration with Hawler Medical University, the Kurdistan Doctors Syndicate, the Kurdistan Dental Association, Kurdistan Higher Council of Medical Specialties and active participation of Kurdistan Medicinal Control Agency, with the attendance of more than 250 pharmacists, physicians, dentists and microbiologists, gathering to discuss the recent data and challenges about AMR in the region, and preparing the ways of combating it.
In the end, recommendations were given to combat AMR in Kurdistan, some of them which included, selecting an AMR Awareness Week in Kurdistan, holding an annual AMR awareness conference, preparing local anti-biograms, regulatory oversight, medical education and much more.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the conference, we would like to send our sincere thanks and appreciations to the Scientific Preparation Committee, the Sponsors which were Pioneer (Diamond Sponsor), Awamedica (Platinum Sponsor), HiGen (Platinum Sponsor), Hawkary Group (Golden Sponsor), Active Remedy (Golden Sponsor), Private Pharma (Golden Sponsor), Zawita Pharma (Golden Sponsor), ESB Group (Silver Sponsor), Sama Belade (Silver Sponsor), Glitter (Silver Sponsor) and Digital Vision (Digital Marketing Partner) for their contribution to the success of the event, we would also send our appreciations to the KPSA team for their volunteer work organizing the event.
See you next year!