Kurdistan Pharmacy Summit 2021 recommendations

As promised before to the pharmacists, the Syndicate of Kurdistan Pharmacists has made a recommendation for the Kurdistan Pharmacy Summit that was held last year, 25th September, on the World Pharmacists Day, in which all of the decisions, suggestions and promises have been documented in the paper and the panelists…

Appreciation ceremony for dear Dr. Rozhgar Hamid

Appreciation ceremony for dear (Dr. Rozhgar Hamid Shexo) as an active member of the Council of Syndicate of Kurdistan Pharmacists between 2017-2022 and giving appreciation to him for his works during these years, and the starting of dear (Dr. Mamend Rashid Mamend) as a new member of the Council of…

A meeting held for finding jobs for unemployeed pharmacists

A meeting held by Syndicate of Kurdistan Pharmacists by the attendance of dears Dr. Barif Zahir, Dr. Adnan Burhan and Dr. Ari Aziz, on 23/1/2022 with dears Dr. Sherwan Sadiq, General Director of Kurdistan Medical Control Agency (KMCA), and Haval Jamal, Director of Law Department at Ministry of Health about…